Two Fridays ago, the following conversation took place at my hubby's workplace:
"You have a baby girl right?" a woman's voice bellowed intrusively.
Hubby answered in the affirmative.
"Tulah, you tak kuat, that's why a girl," she bluntly offered. (You're physically weak, that's why it's a girl)
Hubby replied emphatically "That explains your father then," to the gales of laughter from her two male colleagues.
She was beyond horrified and managed only to muster "Tulah malas nak cakap dengan (insert hubby's name), mesti ada nak jawab." (That's why I don't like talking to (insert hubby's name), he always have something back to say)
"Lain kali cakap baik baik, saya jawab baik baik," was hubby's stern answer, before turning on his heel. (If you talk in a nice manner, then I'd answer back nicely as well)
This annoying hussy (though better, harsh adjectives came to mind at the time) is known for her stupid, uncalled-for comments but this particular incident really takes the cake!
I mean, who was she to pass judgment on who has a weaker set of sperms and who doesn't? Or maybe she was referring to my husband's genteel (read: less than macho) appearance which naturally implies an inability to produce a male offspring. How narrow-minded can someone be? I would have thought for a university degree holder she could have easily figured out that genteel manners are a sign of good breeding and upbringing. Alas, such simple logic is lost on this emaciated maiden.
If macho-ness is the reliable and proven indicator of conceiving boys, how come Malek Nor is out of the closet, and my favourite Hollywood heartthrob, Brad Pitt has a baby girl, with Angelina Jolie? This sweeping fallacy is preposterous!
Actually, I'm not completely surprised that such silly notion still resides amongst some Malaysians. I'm sure some myths with respect to choosing the baby's sex are being perpetuated in different cultures as well. But in this instance, I was shocked that it was spewed out of the mouth of a loutish female!
This encounter also reminds me of a conversation I had with a girlfriend, close to 10 years ago, who intimated that her husband wanted their firstborn to be a boy as it would be a sign of his 'strong' sexual prowess. What gives??
Of course, back then I was single and clueless and couldn't confute her with much conviction, not without an arsenal of ObGyn information up my sleeves. It is a totally different story now, thanks in part to my maternal status and to the wonders of Internet which furnishes me with enough a repository on the birds and the bees.
More precisely, all this idle talk got me thinking as to whether there is a modicum of truth behind the claim that having a male firstborn attests to the father's out-and-out machismo.
After trawling the cyberspace for answers, here are some interesting facts to chew on (doctors or pre-meds out there please correct me if I'm wrong :) ):
- Alkalinity favours the conception of a boy.
- Acidity favours the conception of a girl.
- X-sperm (Girl) are: bigger - slower - more resilient in the woman's reproductive tract
- Y-sperm (Boy) are: smaller - faster - weak - less resilient in the reproductive tract.
- The pH of the women's tract is therefore very important. However, some women have a reproductive tract that is naturally very acidic and have a hard time conceiving boys.
- Timing of intercourse during the monthly cycle - the closer the time is to ovulation, the better the chances to have a boy, because the y-sperms are faster and tend to get to the egg first. Vice-versa, if you want to conceive a girl.
- Sperm count - a low sperm count obviously doesn't favor either sex, but a high sperm count purportedly favours boys.
You can read more about this womanly issue here and here.
As such, many intertwining factors are at work here which need to be further unravelled on the genetic level if one were to accurately guess whose biological urges or mechanisms - the man or the woman - are behind the sex of a baby. Until such results are out, it'd be utterly futile, if not completely foolish, to point your fingers to only one member of a beautiful union.
For instance, a woman's naturally acidic reproductive tract might be the overriding reason as to why a couple conceived a girl, as opposed to the alleged low sperm count of the man. Also, ironically the much coveted Y-sperm, which is responsible for the conception of a baby boy, is IN FACT 'weak' in its spindly, cellular form.
In the final analysis, I believe that it is Allah the Most Supreme and All-Knowing who determines the gender of our offspring(s). Instead of complaining over the lack of either a male heir or a princess, we should always be thankful to be bestowed and entrusted with another life who depends entirely on us for support, guidance, nourishment and most importantly, love.
Even if we can't change the narrow perception of some people, we can take heart from knowing that every child is God's unique and special gift. Don't ever for a moment lose sight of that.
Image taken from here.
Well said, theta. And your hubby too...haha...
I guess gender biasness is still alive and well even in this modern times.
I can understand the askewed preception in the days of old...but situations have changed... daughters are the ones who care and look after their parents, while most sons (at least the ones that I know of) tend to balik kampung jengok orang tua only once a year - i.e. during Raya time. Some don't even contribute to supplement their parents' upkeep.
If people can choose the gender of their offsprings, it will create an imbalance in the social structure that will bring forth an undesirable effect: Imagine India with millions of excess sons. Social problems are bound to arise. Due to this imbalance, there have been cases of women-folk having multiple husbands. Hmmmm... that don't sound too bad of an idea after all...hahaha :p
Just kidding.. :)
omg, i would have slapped that woman silly! some cheek she has there, but i have to give it to your hubby, very classy of him to put her in her place :D
Jangan kasi muka orang mcm ni. Someone should remind her that children are rezeki allah, girl or boy, sempurna or not
hahahahaha your husband's brilliant! i'd love to see that woman's face.
did you know that the "default" sex is female? If a fetus did not produce any hormones whatsoever, it would automatically be a girl. only the presence of testosterone would make it into a boy.
i'd just love to smack these gender-sensitive people for their ingratitude. boy or girl, we should be thankful our children are healthy and well. i'm doing endocrinology rotation at the moment and one of the conditions i'm learning about is ambiguious (sp?) genitalia in babies. maybe these people should see some of these babies. perhaps then they might be more thankful?
Eh I thought I left a comment. Maybe I was so angry at that woman, I forgot to press the post comment. Grrrrrr
Well said for your hubby. Let her have her taste of her own words.
And now after reading Aliya's comment, I am even more thankful for my wonderful children. Insaf rasanya.
I tend to agree that social imbalance is bound to exist when people are not thankful with their lot.
Some traditionalist (no matter how wrong) mindsets are hard to change, I'm afraid.
Slap AND wring her neck. Haha, kidding.
Yes, all children are our rezeki.
Yeah, I forgot about that particular fact. Thanks! :)
I wonder why some people are ingrained with such thoughts. Does it have to do with a strong paternalistic culture? Something they heard while growing up? Boggles the mind.....
I was fuming as well because the comment came out of nowhere and she is NOT even buddy-buddy with my hubby. What a strange woman!
We must always give thanks to AlMighty for what we have.
hmmm, there are people out there who actually wish for a girl instead of a boy for their firstborn... when a pakistani friend of ours got a boy recently, he was obviously a bit upset - and when asked why, he said he had been hoping for a girl, because he had seen his friends' kids and he thought it would be better and less tiring to get a girl...
but then again, now he had gotten a boy, he is okay with it too... boy or girl, in whatever condition - it has all been predetermined by Allah, the All Knowing...
Laaa... no wonder i feel a certain kind of affinity to the song "Macho Man" by the Village People hehe. That woman has shown me the light :)
Touche to Minan :). Love his comeback.
"Father of 3 Boys" Snafoo
Hmmph I have one idiot like that in my office who just love to make joke about other people. But when people make joke about him tahu pulak marah. Arrrrr!
Sometimes we want things that we can't have. But if when really look close enough, there is a myriad of wonderful things right in front of your nose!
Be thankful and be courteous with one's words, that should be the lesson for us all.
Haha! Village People, eh? Somehow Macho Men AND Village People are such a weird combo. Hehe...
Thanks for dropping by my humble blog. :)
I wonder if by chance that idiot is an MCP? High probability that he is...
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