Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Quicktake: Happiness Is

Finding The Princess Bride DVD on the discount rack retailing at Euro2.99 (or to be exact Euro3.00 if you get what I mean)

Eating warm, crumbly scone in Leonidas Lunch & Tearoom during a cold, rainy day.

Discovering the opening of the first European chain of Abercrombie & Fitch in Saville Row, London on 22nd March - actually it's more hubby's cup of tea but I welcome the spillover effect

Sadia eating heartily her meal following a day of being finicky

Your capri pants falling nicely on your hips more than a year after giving birth!

Follow your bliss wherever it might be pointing to next!


NorAiniJ said...

Sadia is so cute!!!

Snafoo said...

Lady Leprechaun, Happy St Pat's Day. :). Pls say Hi to ur hubby for me.

Theta said...

Thanks. And she's so cheeky too!

Albeit belatedly...thanks for the wish. He said HI back. Btw, do you know the current whereabouts of one Aunty Ruby and Uncle Kamarulzaman from collegiate years? They're like surrogate parents back then. Didn't manage to find them in time to invite for my wedding though. Thanks again.