Election fever is upon us again! It's not that far off in the future - March 8th to be exact - thus perfecting the art of persuasion to the masses is imperative for most demagogues.
Fawning and name-dropping are other forms of tactical moves to be expected during this electoral run-up. Not to mention, promises that are going to dazzle you to submission and most likely confound you later on with their incongruities.
So let's the emotive, sugarcoated speeches begin!
The last time Malaysia went to the voting booths was in 2004, March 21st. I had to look up the date on the Net but I remember it as vividly as yesterday since it was my first time ever going to the poll. And to make things more 'interesting', I went to my assigned poll station in Shah Alam - one of the civic halls near to my old house - with my twin sister who was heavily pregnant with her first baby at the time.
And solely based on the excuse that my sister was with child, the SPR people let us cut the long queue to cast our vote in a whiz! When we arrived at the front entrance of the hall to the quizzical looks of others, a microphone boomed out calling our respective IC numbers and simultaneously confirming our presence. Then, an official pointed us each to an unmarked voting booth. The moment I entered the small enclosure I took my sweet time making sure that I am ticking it the so-called 'ethically correct' way lest it would be marked as spoilt, by the keenest of critics.
It was surreal standing there in the deafening silence of your booth, feeling as if the weight of the world is on your shoulder.
Exiting the hall with my sister, I heaved a huge sigh of relief that my citizen duty was done and over with. And whichever the vote might sway, I was glad that I finally got the chance to make my vote, well, count. Literally and figuratively.
The SPR letter summoning me for this year's electoral process in Shah Alam came last week to our former home address. I honestly don't know why my constituency still resides in my old hometown. Do I need to fill an SPR form for a change of address to Ampang?
My eldest sister still lives at the family house though. Perhaps that IS the reason why?
Come March 8th, my husband most definitely will send me for this round of election since he has yet to register himself as a voter! The opportunity to register back in Kuching failed to materialise whenever we're home since it's either the Raya season or other public holidays. Frankly speaking, I don't think one is in the mood to seek out where to register when holidaymaking is the ONLY thing in one's mind! Luckily, Kuching has held its election two years back, which gives him some leeway to register for the next one and/or to file for a change of address.
As they are going to name the candidates this February 24th, I sincerely pray that my candidate of choice doesn't give me bad vibes. If not, I might likely be swinging my vote! Yes, it all comes down to the tried-and-true woman intuition. Haha!
Happy Voting Malaysia. May the electoral process go on without any hitches!
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4 years ago
Yup! Happy voting!!
its that time again...all eyes will be glued to the TV for the electorial results at the end of the polling day.
You have to register for a change of voting venue. But first, change the address in your IC. Maybe too late now - do it for the next polling session ;)
happy voting theta!
i have never once voted in my life... and i agree that i never will :0)
as to ur previous entry...i pray that ur bro will find a girl who will want to marry him despite his health condition... just look at it this way... he is honest of his condition... if a girl decides to marry him... the girl will be marrying him for himself... n nothing else... thus, he will have a good life partner...
by the way.... u have been tagged....ops... ala simple tag jer.. with an award :0)
Too bad I wont be in Msia on voting day. I voted in 2004 though. Im sceptical abt the leaders we have nowadays..seems like I cant trust any one of them. I mean if our current PM can lie abt the day the Parliament is dissolved then Im wondering wht else he could possibly be lying abt!
i wish i was in kl for the voting day.. oh well, will just have to wish all the best for the outcome, whatever it may be.
The Purple Cat,
Thanks for the tip dear. Did you know my IC ada typo as in the number of my parents' new house in KD? Instead of 6 as the house number, the NRD put A!
Gosh, I have to change the address to Ampang soon and make sure my handwriting is legible! :)
Happy voting to you too!
Curiously, why won't you be able to vote in this lifetime?
Can you cast your vote at the Malaysian embassy there, I wonder?
Thanks for the tag dear, will hop to your blog soonest for details!
As for my brother, he needs to level with his lass on all fronts. I know he's being cautious after what happened in the previous relationship but indulging in halftruths won't do him any good either.
Let's see how things pan out and please pray for the best!
Cosmic Gurl,
The Kepoci in me wants to ask where you're off to during the election. :)
Anyhow, it's hard NOT to be cynical with the current political landscape after the disclosures of many questionable dealings.
As for Pak Lah's evasiveness with respect to the dissolution of the parliament, I think it's part of his political manuverings to keep people (read: politicians) on their toes.
Thanks for the visit :)
"Whatever it may be"? Now, you're being doubly mysterious.... :D
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