Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Tentative New Year Resolutions

Yippee-yay-yay! A New Year is here! How time flies.....

It's half past one in the morning and sleep eludes me. Must be that Vanilla Latte from GE Mall that I'd gulped down.

Not a firm believer in resolutions myself, I decided for the fun of it, to fiddle with a list this year. This, by the way, is by no means exhaustive. :)

  1. Less surfing

  2. More reading

  3. Less carbs

  4. More cardio-exercise

  5. Less shopping

  6. More spiritual outlets

  7. Less internet

  8. More family moments

  9. Less clingy

  10. More 'Me' time

  11. Less clutter

  12. More space

  13. Less self-deprecating

  14. More self-reflection

  15. Less Caffeine!

  16. More Water

For great helpful pointers this new year to married (or not-so-married) couples, please click here.



The Purple Cat said...

Happy New Year, theta!!

I wish I could do more of the resolution no 4 on your list this year myself. Not been doing my exercises anymore lately.

Theta said...

Happy 2008 to you my purring PurpleCat! ;)

Me too! I've not been exercising for ages. Yesterday I bought a pair of running shoes - now, I have to find time to wear them! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful New Year Theta. Thanks for the visit and kind thoughts you left there.
What a beautiful Sadia you have.

Cosmic_GurL said...

Happy New Year Theta! Kuching was great! Ate like nobody's business! Hehehe...interesting article :))

simah said...

simply written resolutions definitely..but adoi..mcm sush nak apply ajer? less caffein? for a caffein addict like u? heheheheh good luck my dear!

hope this year will bring thousands of more happiness to u :0)

p.s...sadia muka sapa?

all jazzed up said...

Definitely less carbs for me - this holiday bingeing is terrible, I might just gain back all the weight I lost! "Less Caffeine"?? Boleh ke, you Starbucks freak! Hahah!

Theta said...

The pleasure is all mine. Enjoy your winter while it lasts! :)

Cosmic Gurl,
Interesting indeed, but don't know if it can be followed through ;)

Have a wonderful year ahead!

Theta said...


Haha. I'm still at my two--cups-of-coffee diet. :)
Sometimes three if I need that extra jolt. Very rare though. Hehe.

Thanks, wishing you an family happiness and great health always!

Sadia looks more like me nowadays - people say she looks like hubby when she was a baby....

I need to lose some 5 kgs more! (at the very least)

Starbucks should pay me for all these free publicity I write about them. :D