Hello there fellow blogians and other blog enthusiasts! I’m back from my long break away from blogosphere after giving birth to my firstborn baby.
Before I delve further into my gradual transformation into a fledgling mother, I want to fill in the gaps of some events that happened prior to D-day.
The first entry will be entitled “PGL” dated 19th February 2006.
“Matinee show of PGL we went,
It was great though we didn’t pay a cent”
Last Sunday, my husband and I had the privilege of attending the much-touted Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical”. We were gladly bestowed with the tickets, thanks to my dad’s friend who, to say the least, has the right connection in getting us seats. The show was a nice change of scenery and pace from our usual fare of weekend movie-watching.
The theatrical presentation started a wee bit later than the scheduled 3pm. 3:10 pm. There was a brief glitch with the “scrim” show which enveloped the whole stage at the start of the Musical.
I was mesmerized by the impressive and large props the producers had heavily invested for the show. PGL The Musical was divided into two parts. The first part ran for about 1 and 1/2 hour whereas the second took about 1 hour to completion. We were given a 15-minutes rest before the second half commenced. The intermission was a much welcome break since I almost dozed off towards the end of the first part. It wasn’t so much because the plot was dragging but was attributed more to my awkward fullblown pregnancy shape which made sitting for a long duration tiring and listless.
The stageshow was almost flawless if it were not for the lack of uniformity and cohesion between the first and second parts. The first part was laden with details and impeccable and seamless timing of the show’s plot. In the second part, the director seemed to forget the motivation and inspiration from the first half. The artist’s brushstrokes failed to imbue their meticulous handywork onto the entire masterpiece. In a sense, I felt shortshrift by the plot’s hasty unraveling in the second part.
Overall, the Musical was by far a bold and ambitious project from a local production house. Some of the songs were quite memorable and catchy. The dance sequences were well choreographed and the costumes coordinated and complemented with the spirit of that particular era. It was indeed a great effort and exemplifies sheer commitment by Mrs Effendi Nawawi, Tiara Jacqueline.
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4 years ago
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