Countdown to D-day – 22nd February 2006 (written in Kinokuniya’s Coffee Express Café while waiting for hubby to get clearance for leave)
This is it! D-day (or so I had thought – please proceed to next blog for further clarification). My labour day. Well, almost anyway. I went to the gynae this morning and he said my cervix has opened slightly. Which is good news compared to the news he conveyed to us the week before when he said he wasn’t sure I might even give birth in two weeks’ time!
Since the cervix is opening ever so slightly (or in my gynae’s nomenclature ‘pointing in the right direction i.e., upright’), he advised and recommended we be at the hospital tonight so as to enable the labour process to proceed smoothly – with the aid of prostaglandin at least.
The news was a welcome relief after the agonizing wait for our baby. On the other hand, however, I wonder if this type of arrangement is considered “induced labour” since my waterbag has yet to break and my cervix hasn’t fully dilated.
I’m on my way to labour – yes. Just the thought of having it “planned” for labour is at best unnerving and at worst disconcerting.
I believe in divine providence and intervention. In other words, “natural” process to take place.
My gynae has somehow mollified me by saying that the leaking via “bloody show” and the on-and-off contraction will persist at snail pace unless I take active measure i.e., admission into hospital.
So if I don’t mind suffering the contraction and waiting again for nature to take its course, I won’t need to be in the hospital. On the flipside, labour might happen in about 1-2 more days regardless. Or (gulp!) even tonight.
In a way, who to know but God AlMighty? If He says it’s tomorrow, then I shall heed and believe in His wisdom.
After all, isn’t it all about FAITH after we’ve done our best endeavour in circumventing or advancing the issue?
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