As I am quite a neophyte in this realm one calls Blog, I am obliged to partake in a short introduction of my persona.
Half of a twin, I am married to someone of the twin sign - Gemini and currently pregnant with my first child.
The anticipated arrival of my first child is an event in itself. As the bump on my stomach protrudes further, my impending motherhood role looms larger.
I am finding myself increasingly ambivalent of my abilities to rear a child, let alone bring a child into this world.
However, my supportive husband has been a great anchor in helping me wade through my highs and lows.
And of course, religion plays a significant part in bringing me back to my senses and keeping me grounded.
And I should give myself some credit too. I've realised that I'm now old enough to be able to handle a host of responsibilities.
First of firsts, as I grow older and as of the middle of this year, officially sprout some white hair, I come to a more keen and well-defined realisation of things, events, people and circumstances that tick me off.
Call it my list of pet peeves and this blog is dedicated to my first pet peeve.
Malaysian drivers.
Yes, many have attempted to discuss and pontificate on this subject matter and I can vouch most of them have come out feeling much better after their fair share of ranting on ghastly Malaysian motorists.
As a concerned (and victimised) citizen, it behooves me to delineate the gruesome nature of some (or you can call it 'the majority') of these drivers.
Malaysian drivers are notorious for these obvious reasons (which markedly surprise me that those in authorities have failed to take more stringent actions):
a) They change lane at the VERY last minute without switching on their signal or indicator light
b) They assume that the other motorists are mind readers and will be able to anticipate their next inane move
c) They drive on the rightmost lane at a snailpace and refuse to budge to the middle lane due to their over-inflated egos despite incessant flashing and honking by the driver behind and in spite of a long queue that has formed due to his or her slowpaced driving. (This rings more true if the slow driver is a man and the rear driver is a woman)
d) When a driver signals to switch to the next lane (right or left), the driver behind will not give way and will instead drive faster to NOT let the person in.
e) This mentality in turn leads to the non-signalling culture as explained in a).
f) Drivers tend to take their own sweet time going out of a parking space even though a long line has formed due to one driver waiting for him/her to get out of the parking space.
I had my share of these and the most memorable one happened when one ladydriver was engaged in a sort of pre-driving insane ritual which involves checking and re-touching her makeup, combing her hair, and drinking water before decided to give me, this hapless driver, her parking spot.
g) Drivers who always think they are right despite being in the contrary state. One recent incident took place when I was signalling right to park my car and this driver out of nowhere was speeding behind me and almost hit my car. And then he had the gall to come out of his car and blamed me for almost causing an accident. Hello! I signalled to park. He looked a tad dazed, almost stoned. Probably he was. That nitwit. And just because I was a girl, he decided he could harass me. He was going on that he was driving at a safe speed and said I was wrong to suddenly go into park mode when I decided to wind up the window and let him talk to himself.
h) Drivers that proceeded to drive even after the light has turned red on the foolish notion that the drivers from the opposite traffic light will take a short breather to let him or her pass. This has caused an alarming number of unnecessary and avoidable accidents at city and suburb junctions.
i) While driving on country or state roads, drivers who are under the influence of their ego or alcohol or having a temporary lapse of judgment or plainly speaking - temporarily insane, will attempt to overtake huge and bulky vehicles (lorries, trucks) in front of them, at the expense of drivers from the opposite direction having to inch away to any space available - like dirt road or the guardrail - in order to avoid a head-on collision.
There you are - my list of peevish traits of Malaysian drivers.
Due to this impertinent state of affairs, I regretfully confess that I have also become an aggressive driver myself. That is the sad part but that's life - when you can't beat them you join them. Just make sure your driving license is still valid!
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