First of, I would like to apologise for not replying to the comments for my last three blogposts. My *ahem* internet connection has gone kaput the morning after I posted my last entry and I have been downtrodden ever since. Downtrodden is a great euphemism for all imaginable excuses like procrastination, goofing off, heavy baby duty thanks to a round-the-clock flu and sheer laziness.
I am stealing time away from a toddler who refused to fall asleep at the wee hours of the morning. Since she's glued to the tv sans my mammary glands for a change, I get a free rein of the Internet...for now.
Thus, I'd better finish this rambling before she remembers me or THEM. :)
Some people have suggested either directly or indirectly (via my other half) that I should wean her off by now. Some cited religious reasons (I have yet to get a reliable source), others use the health routes - more nutritious food for her Royal Fussypot and vitamin deficiency for moi. But I think the most significant factor that would compel me to wean her in a heartbeat is having control of MY time without her looking for me every time she wants some comfort. My husband is in complete agreement with me on that ground after seeing me in frustration over this nursing dependence.
But I have yet to throw in the towel solely because my patience has yet to run out. And most of my sisters (if not all) continue to breastfeed until they conceive another baby! Now if that isn't an incentive, I don't know what is.
As such, I would appreciate if people wouldn't pass judgment on me for nursing a toddler. I have also read somewhere the benefits of breastfeeding one's child until he or she is naturally weaned off. So, we will see how things pan out.
Speaking of judgment calls, I had recently encountered a 'rubbing me the wrong way' moment when a college friend whom I had the 'pleasure' of reuniting on Facebook chatted with me about matters of the heart. She had wanted me to tell all as to how I finally got hitched with my other half, whom I had ostensibly carried the torch for since college.
If she were to express her words differently, I would probably have complied. But the manner in which she asked grated me to no end. Since she was pressed for time, she requested that I emailed her the lurid details. Of course, I haven't done that at all.
She seemed to imply that I had waited and pined so long for a man. I didn't like the sound of that at all. But in the realm of online chatting, I didn't get to say my piece and had resorted to spew out a silly quote instead. The story of my life - not able to convey exactly what I feel at the crucial time. I tend to stew on it afterwards, rather than lash out immediately there and then. Well, at least most of the times.
Anyhow, it should have been an indication 10 years back when the said friend and I had a fallout over a petty issue i.e., email spamming, to which she had said something that rubbed me the wrong way (Surprise!). Something to the effect that I need to get a life, rather than send those endless forwards. She can be heartless sometimes.
And I had thought she had mellowed after a decade. That's why I didn't mind adding her as my friend on Facebook. Boy, was I wrong!
Probably I am too sensitive when it comes to words. But as the saying goes, 'Choose Your Words Wisely, For It Can Be Your Last', friendships (or relationships for that matter) can cease to exist over the wrong choice of words.
I also believe those who say you're sensitive are sensitive themselves. If you can indulge a friendly banter with one person, but cannot tolerate it when the person returns the favour, then by all means, you ARE sensitive.
Like my other half said, "Well, you're the one who wants to keep her as a friend." I'm regretting that decision now.
When she already has a certain preconceived notion about my life, it'd be futile to recount what has happened up to the moment that I got married. We're never THAT close for me to share those pages of my interesting life.
On that basis alone, it'd be best to let sleeping dogs lie.
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4 years ago
they're your boobs and if you want to nurse a preschooler sekalipun, it is your right and judgmental people can go hang!
i know people who've breastfed even while pregnant and even tandemly toddler with newborn. as for religious evidence, the Quran says minimum 2 years (not maximum) and a hadith says you can even breastfeed while pregnant.
anyway, hope sadia is on the way to recovery! you also need the break :)
eee tak suka orang yang suka cross boundaries camtu. some people never change methinks
will come back to read ur entry...
just wanna say..
happy mother's day!
Thank you! I'm glad we're on the same page with respect to this matter.
I was on a bench nursing Sadia discreetly in Ikano Power Centre, Mutiara Damansara when an old Chinese lady sat by and asked how old Sadia was and had the gall to say, "Isn't she too old?"
Deadpan, I said back "You tell that to her (referring to Sadia)" And the lady smiled uncomfortably.
People are quite liberal with their comments, I tell ya!
Thank you, hope yours was great.
Mine was just another day, save for the muffins hubby baked the night before. :) Yummilicious!
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